Thunderace weekend in Saxony   

What the..... WHO put my name on the scedule for friday????
This makes things complicated, I planned to ride this 700 km through Germany during the day, NOT after work!!
Anyway, patients are allready planned, cannot let them go home unattended, can I ? Colleagues jumped in and got me on my way at 13.30, so If I hurry, I can put my Thunderace into warp speed on teh autobahn and get to the Chech border before nightfall.

So I did, arriving in bright daylight at the Lindenhof Hotel in Rechenberg-Bienemühle (near Dresden)

There were plenty of familiar faces allready at the scene, off course I went straight to the organizign wizardess Bärbel who planned the whole weekend, tours, alternative programm, introduction leaflet, trip to the village brewery etcv etc. FAB!!

Look at this, the hotel management really expected us. This was a great hotel, fine staff, excellent food and beer.

This first evening I certainly got too much, beer that is, and schnapps. So the next morning I felt pretty bad, grabbing me a roll and some cheese, then getting ready for this days tour.
After the briefing the lot of us took off, about 70 Aces, and then some friends with misceleaneous bikes.
The tour took us through Saxony, where Bärbel (Jet fighter camo Black&Grey) took us through her home county, showing us places of interest, nice scenery and cool bends. Not all roads were smooth, but our stable steeds took every crevice with determined speed.

Speed was amazingly high for a big party like ours, disciplined, self made marshalls guides us quickly over roundabouts, crossings and traffic lights, so we all kept together.
No dangerous situations arrose, all went very smooth trough the country side.

However, things happen, right ?
After we all headed for a break at a parking, one of us on an R1 decided to go for a last sprint to the bend, stomped the rear brake, locked, screeeeeeetch, High Sided into the berm, R1 head over heels, tumbling behind him.... FUBARRED!
Fortunately the rider came off pretty clean, sored his thumb a bit. knackered his ego, but... very lucky.. looking at the place he landed, inbetween rocks and a hard place (traffic sign)

The next day took us through the Chech republic, the tour leader took us all through customs ithin 2 minutes.
Roads overthere were better than in Germany, but people looked less wealthy, guess the money can only be spent one way, right ? But infrastructure can be profitable for all in the long run. BTW, POZOR in Chech means DANGER I guess, but I could not figure out what the danger was.

All bikes performed flawlessly, not one single misfire or failure to start! It prooves the Thunderace is ONE piece of equipment.

On the left
you'll get a glimpse of the beatifull scenery where the tour leaders took us.

Weather was good overall, slipped into rain gear only once in a while, but the wet road surface took away the fun out of cornering, more like following docile through the countryside.

Bärbel organized a tour through the local brewery that evening, all very interesting (right Dave?)

Especially the part about beer being healthy, nutricious, and low cal, protecting your body from disseases and sorrow........ So let's grab one !!!!

What struck me was the fact that about 10 Thunderaces arrived on trailers, their owners not wanting to square their tires on a long autobahn run.
Also worthy of noticing was how spoiled the attending Mail-Listers were with their Pro-Oilers compared to the majority. while we were always ready, knowing our chains were lubricated and tight, all others spent their mornings lubing and adjusting their chains...... How medival!

I would like to thank Barbara & Associates for organizing this great weekend, members of the Thunderace-Clubfor their hospitality and all those from around Europe to make this international weekend such a great succes.

To all those who couldn't make it.... There be another opportunity next year, same time, another place.